Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

Ok, so I continue to be a bad blogger, and as you can clearly see from the previous blog that I have not in fact blogged since last Tuesday.

But alas, I am back to the 10 on Tuesday.

"10 People You Wish You Could Meet"
(I am making it dead or alive...just for the record)

  1. Michelangelo--cuz really has there been a more "savantish" person ever!
  2. Ronald Reagan--I was not a big fan of his politics, but the things he helped to accomplish on the global scale are truly amazing
  3. Alexander Dumas--I love his books and think he would be intriguing
  4. Victor Hugo--ditto to #3
  5. Clay Walker--if you know me you will understand
  6. Jesus--to ask him a couple basic questions that are currently a topic of discussion in my household
  7. John McCain--I have liked him long before he was running for President and think I could learn from him
  8. the person that invented cubicles---then I could hit them and explain what a terrible idea it really was! (by the way I work in a cubicle and it can be miserable!)
  9. the Founding Fathers--I know that is more than one person, but it seems wrong to break them up. I would like to ask them questions, specifcally "what did you really mean by the 2nd amendment" and why did you include religion is places but not in others.
  10. Franklin D. Roosevelt- Again I think he had a huge impact on this country, most I think very positive, but some in the long run no so much.

By the way these are truly not in ANY order...just what popped into my convulted thoughts! I have also realized that it is very politically charged...I guess that is what happens when you ask a political science major to list ten people to meet.

So that is all for now, hopefully I will have something for you before next Tuesday.

1 comment:

cjm said...

You do sound Republican. The blogs I read are so diverse. :o)